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StackAdvice Optimize your supplement stack with science-backed insights.



  • #supplements
  • #health
  • #science
  • #Research
  • #personalized report
  • #recommendations

What is StackAdvice?

StackAdvice offers a comprehensive analysis of your supplement stack, backed by scientific research. The platform provides personalized insights and recommendations to help users optimize their supplement regimen for their specific health goals.

By inputting your goals and supplements, you receive a detailed report. This report helps you make informed decisions about your supplement intake.


  • Personalized relevance summary: Tailored analysis of how your supplements align with your goals.
  • Supplement-specific research highlights: Key findings related to each supplement you're taking.
  • Side effects analysis: Assessment of potential side effects of your current supplement stack.
  • Curated selection of relevant studies: Access to scientific studies relevant to your goals and supplements.
  • Evidence-based recommendations: Suggestions for optimizing your supplement stack based on scientific evidence.
  • Analysis of up to 8 supplements: Comprehensive evaluation for stacks containing up to eight different supplements.

Use Cases

  • Optimizing a supplement stack for specific health goals
  • Understanding the potential side effects of a supplement combination
  • Getting science-backed recommendations for supplement choices
  • Reviewing scientific literature related to supplements and health goals
  • Making informed decisions about supplement intake


  • What is StackAdvice?
    StackAdvice is a platform inspired by the reddit community r/stackadvicewhere you can get a personalized review and advice on your supplement stack.
  • How does it work?
    You input your personal goals and supplements, and we provide a comprehensive report with analysis and recommendations. We are able to do this with a combination of AI, realtime-search trough scientific papers and a large database of supplements.
  • What does the report include?
    The report includes a summary of how relevant research applies to your supplement stack and goals. You also get links to relevant sources. The report includes a side effects-analysis of your current stack. It also includes other scientific studies that are relevant to your goals. If these studies include supplements these are also included.
  • How much does it cost?
    For a limited time only: Each report costs just $3 (New Year's special price, regular price $9) and includes analysis of up to 8 supplements.

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