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Named by AI

Discover the perfect name for your newborn with Named by AI, an inventive name generator that leverages artificial intelligence to curate a list of distinctive and significant names, tailored to suit individual tastes. Whether you're searching for a name based on gender, cultural origin, meaning, popularity, or even literary genres, Named by AI provides a myriad of options to ensure the name you choose resonates deeply and personally.

With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, the journey to finding that perfect name is simple and enjoyable. The tool is infused with the creativity of AI, offering suggestions that are both unique and attuned to your preferences, ensuring every prospective parent can find a name that echoes with significance.

Bundle of Joy

Bundle of Joy revolutionizes the baby naming process for expecting parents by providing personalized name recommendations through AI technology. The platform allows users to set specific preferences, including gender, origin/religion (from 50+ options), theme (from 30+ options), starting letter, and name meaning, to receive curated suggestions that match their unique taste.

The platform features a collaborative approach where both parents can create separate accounts to browse and shortlist names independently. When both partners like the same name, they receive a notification of the match, making the name selection process more engaging and efficient. The service eliminates the need to browse multiple websites and maintains all shortlisted names in one convenient location.

Named by AI



Bundle of Joy



Named by AI


  • Gender-specific naming: Filter out names based on the baby's gender.
  • Cultural origin selection: Choose from an extensive list of name origins to match your cultural preferences.
  • Meaningful name curation: Find names with desired meanings or thematic significance.
  • Popularity filter: Decide between popular or unique names to best suit your naming wishes.

Bundle of Joy


  • Personalized Recommendations: AI-powered name suggestions based on specific preferences
  • Partner Collaboration: Separate accounts for couples with match notifications
  • Preference Settings: Choose from 50+ origins/religions and 30+ themes
  • Shortlist Management: Keep track of favorite names in one place
  • Learning Algorithm: Adapts recommendations based on likes/dislikes
  • Cross-Platform Access: Available on web browsers and as a mobile web app

Named by AI

Use cases

  • Personalized baby naming
  • Finding culturally relevant names
  • Searching for names with specific meanings

Bundle of Joy

Use cases

  • Finding gender-specific baby names
  • Discovering names from specific cultural origins
  • Shortlisting names with partner collaboration
  • Exploring names with specific meanings or themes
  • Organizing favorite baby name choices

Named by AI


  • Can I choose a name based on a specific cultural origin?
    Yes, you can select from an extensive list of name origins to match your cultural preferences.
    Is it possible to filter names based on popularity?
    Yes, you can decide between popular or unique names to best suit your naming wishes.
    How does the tool help in finding meaningful names?
    The tool curates names with desired meanings or thematic significance based on personal preferences.

Bundle of Joy


  • Is it an AI-based name generator?
    Yes. The platform uses AI to understand preferences and taste, making name recommendations that suit your taste well, so you don't have to go through thousands of names from hundreds of websites.
    What are partner matches?
    Similar to Tinder but for baby names, when both partners like the same name in their separate accounts, the app notifies them of a 'Partner match'.
    How many names can I generate in the free trial?
    The free trial allows you to generate up to 50 names as per your preferences. logo

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