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College Tools

College Tools offers a state-of-the-art AI-powered homework solver designed to assist students in achieving academic success effortlessly. This tool is equipped with features like Universal Compatibility, Advanced Recognition for graphs and image-based questions, and Detailed Explanation for step-by-step guidance. It integrates seamlessly with numerous Learning Management Systems including Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle, ensuring students receive instant and accurate answers to any academic query across various platforms.

The tool provides an invisible and discreet Chrome extension dubbed Camouflage Mode to ensure activities remain untracked by educational websites, alongside features that support privacy and academic integrity. With its advanced encryption for user data and undetectable operation, College Tools is not only efficient but also secure for student use in managing assignments and exams.

Apex Vision AI

Apex Vision AI revolutionizes academic assistance through its comprehensive Chrome extension, powered by a vast library of over 260 million academic articles. The platform seamlessly integrates with major learning management systems including Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and Top Hat, delivering instant solutions for multiple-choice questions, essays, and visual problems.

The tool features advanced capabilities including AI image analysis for mathematical and graphical problems, one-click study guide generation, and discreet operation modes. With universal compatibility and student-friendly pricing tiers, it enables efficient learning while maintaining undetectable functionality across various educational platforms.

College Tools


Free Trial

Apex Vision AI


From 8$

College Tools


  • Universal Compatibility: Works seamlessly with various LMS like McGraw Hill Connect and Blackboard
  • Advanced Recognition: Supports recognition of graphs and images within assignment questions
  • Detailed Explanation: Offers detailed, step-by-step solutions to enhance understanding
  • Camouflage Mode: Invisible extension that prevents detection by academic sites
  • Multiple Language Support: Available in over 15 languages ensuring wide accessibility

Apex Vision AI


  • AI Image Solver: Analyzes and solves visual problems including math and graphs
  • LMS Integration: Compatible with Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and Top Hat
  • Study Guide Generator: Creates customized study materials instantly
  • Camouflage Mode: Operates discreetly within learning platforms
  • Multiple Interface Options: Pop-up, side panel, toolbar, and instant assistance buttons
  • Universal Compatibility: Works across all educational platforms
  • Real-time Answers: Instant solutions for multiple choice and essay questions

College Tools

Use cases

  • Finding solutions to complex academic problems across different subjects
  • Studying and understanding difficult topics through detailed step-by-step explanations
  • Completing assignments on platforms like Khan Academy undetected
  • Improving academic results by using advanced tools during exams

Apex Vision AI

Use cases

  • Solving multiple-choice homework questions
  • Analyzing complex mathematical problems
  • Creating comprehensive study guides
  • Getting help with essay writing
  • Solving visual and graph-based questions
  • Preparing for exams and quizzes
  • Getting instant academic assistance

College Tools


  • What kind of learning management systems does College Tools integrate with?
    College Tools integrates seamlessly with LMS like McGraw Hill Connect, Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle among others.
    How does College Tools ensure user privacy?
    College Tools provides features like Camouflage Mode, which is an invisible extension preventing detection by academic sites, and advanced encryption for user data.
    In how many languages is College Tools available?
    College Tools supports over 15 languages, ensuring wide accessibility for users worldwide.

Apex Vision AI


  • Is the extension detectable by learning management systems?
    No, the extension features a camouflage mode that makes it undetectable on platforms like Canvas and other LMS.
    How many questions can I solve per month?
    The number of requests varies by plan: 500 for Knowledge Kickstart, 1000 for Savvy Scholar, and 2000 for Mastermind plan.
    Does it work with image-based questions?
    Yes, the AI Image Solver feature can analyze and solve visual problems, including math problems and graphs. logo

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