eBookerAI favicon eBookerAI
Generate ebooks and audiobooks on any topic with AI

  • #ebook generation

  • #audiobook generation

  • #Content Creation

  • #Multilingual Support

  • #WYSIWYG editor

  • #Education

What is eBookerAI?

eBookerAI is a state-of-the-art AI tool designed for creating ebooks and audiobooks across a wide range of topics. Users can take advantage of the tool's WYSIWYG editor to refine their books and add images, tables, code blocks, and other rich content. eBookerAI also provides support for multiple languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Dutch, making it a globally accessible tool.


  • Support multiple languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch
  • WYSIWYG editor to refine ebooks
  • Generate a variety of content: from children's stories to technical books
  • Support for audiobooks with a selection of voices

Use cases:

  • Creating children's stories
  • Writing technical books
  • Generating historical accounts
  • Creating guides on various topics
  • Making audiobooks in multiple languages

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