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Cleverbot The AI that learns from people

What is Cleverbot?

Launched in 2006, with its AI origins dating back to 1988, Cleverbot has been continuously learning and evolving. The program selects how to respond based on fuzzy logic and contextual analysis, comparing the entire conversation to millions of past interactions.

Cleverbot does not understand you, nor can it mean anything it says, it only imitates people. Input provided to the bot may influence future interactions with other users. The AI aims to pass the Turing Test and can sometimes appear rude or inappropriate, so caution is advised.


  • Learning AI: Continuously learns from conversations.
  • Fuzzy Logic Responses: Chooses responses based on contextual comparison.
  • Conversation History: Keeps a history of multiple conversations when signed in.
  • Social Sharing: Share snippets of chats on social networks.
  • Customization: Tweak how the AI responds in 3 different ways.
  • Community Features: Find, follow, and interact with other users and their shared snippets.

Use Cases

  • Casual conversation and entertainment
  • Testing AI capabilities
  • Social interaction and content sharing


  • Does Cleverbot understand what I say?
    No, Cleverbot does not understand. It imitates human responses based on previous conversations.
  • Is Cleverbot safe for children?
    Cleverbot may not be suitable for children due to potentially inappropriate content. Parental oversight is strongly advised.
  • Will what I say to Cleverbot affect what it says to others?
    Yes, the things you say to Cleverbot may influence what it says to others in the future.
  • Can I share my Cleverbot conversations?
    Yes you can share snippets of conversations by using the scissors button.
  • Are there any apps for Cleverbot?
    Yes, there are Cleverbot iOS apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

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Cleverbot Uptime Monitor

Average Uptime


Average Response Time

852.38 ms

Last 30 Days logo

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